Diet is a dirty word these days.
In fact, I’ve been known to judge various diets as less than favourable.
But in our effort to be politically correct, we’ve lost sight of the fact that most of the population is eating shit and getting fatter and less healthy as a result of that.
So as controversial as it may be, I’m here to tell you that if you want to see results, you are going to have to change what you’re eating – meaning, changing your diet!
The difference between ‘A DIET’ and ‘YOUR DIET’ is this:
A DIET is something that you do temporarily. It relies heavily on restriction and deprivation. At least that’s how it usually goes down.
A DIET probably also involves some type of meal replacement such as shakes or bars. It could include various supplements or magical potions (I mean drinks, tablets, powders etc) and there is usually a set time frame that you need to follow the diet. Interestingly, most of these programs state that they work best in conjunction with a health diet and exercise – go figure!!
YOUR DIET however is really, what you’re eating and drinking – whether that’s a combo of healthy foods and drinks or absolute rubbish or a combo of both.
One major distinction is that YOUR DIET is something you don’t go on and off. Or at least it shouldn’t be. Unless it’s really bad, and then I’d like you to go ‘off’ it pretty soon.
At FitterFaster our aim is to get you measurable and visible results as quickly as possible and teach you how to maintain those results.
We do this by showing you how to main sustainable changes to YOUR DIET, not by putting you on A DIET. And of course, we recommend that everyone includes a sustainable training program as well to amplify the results and guarantee success.
Sustainable changes mean changing things that will not just get your results, but that you can keep on doing over the long term.
Of course that means you will have to cut down on some things, add some things and get rid of some things all together.
But that’s really obvious; if you don’t change anything, nothing changes!
We specialise in helping mums and dads get their bodies back under control. We help you to feel better, look better and be better role models for your family.
Pop your details in below to receive some information about our training programs or if you’d like specific information about YOUR DIET first, just shoot me through and email instead [email protected]